
食用菌病虫害 | 草菇——致病因素(英文版)

时间 : 07-21 投稿人 : 兆林 点击 :

TI: Control of mites in paddy straw mushroom with acaricide, ethion.

草菇——致病因素(英文版) | 菌菇种植

AU: Rathaiah-Y; Barooah-AK; Dutta-SK

SO: Mushroom-Research. 1997, 6: 2, 103-104.

LA: English

AB: Ethion 50 EC at 2.5 ml/litres, could be safely used with a waiting period of 11 days, in mushroom beds against Tyrophagus dimidiatus.

PT: Journal-article

AN: 981110628

TI: Post harvest fungal contaminants of Pleurotus sajor-caju and Volvariella volvaceae and its biological management.

AU: Gogoi-P; Baruah-P; Griensven-LJLD-van (Editor)

SO: Science and cultivation of edible fungi. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on the Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi, Maastricht, Netherlands, 15-19 May, 2000. 2000, 741-744; 6 ref.

PB: A.A. Balkema; Rotterdam; Netherlands

LA: English

AB: Two edible mushroom varieties, Pleurotus sajor-caju and Volvariella volvaceae [V. volvacea] were contaminated by moulds during the process of steeping preservation. These moulds are predominantly found as postharvest pathogens under typical agro-climatic conditions of the North Eastern region of India. Nutritive values and organoleptic qualities of the two species of mushrooms were found to reduce, due to these contaminants and thus the products are rendered only fairly acceptable for consumption. Therefore, an attempt was made for biological management of these fungal contaminants. Investigation revealed that lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus could inhibit the growth of these moulds.

GE: India-

PT: Conference-paper

IB: 90-5809-145-7

AN: 20001007833

TI: Biology of springtail, Seira iricolor Yosii and Ashraf, infesting mushrooms.

AU: Gill-RS; Sandhu-GS

SO: Mushroom-Research. 1995, 4: 2, 91-94; 11 ref.

LA: English

AB: The biology of Seira iricolor was studied on edible fungi in the laboratory. Eggs were laid singly or in small groups on paddy straw pieces. At 22.5 and 30鳦, the mean fecundity was 15.8 and 9.1, resp., the incubation period was 4.9 and 22.5 days, the prereproductive period 15.1 and 10.2 days and adult longevity 31 and 22 days. Oyster mushrooms were preferred to button mushrooms for feeding, and more feeding occurred at 30 than at 25, 20 or 15鳦. S. iricolor was active throughout the year on button, oyster and paddy straw mushrooms in the Indian Punjab. Maximum activity occurred during July-August on tropical mushrooms (Volvariella volvacea). In the absence of mushrooms, S. iricolor survived on moist organic matter near mushroom houses.

GE: India-; Indian-Punjab

PT: Journal-article

AN: 971102097

TI: Preliminary study on the straw mushroom disease Gliocladium virens.

AU: Luo-YinZhen; Liu-JianZhen; Luo-YZ; Liu-JZ

SO: Journal-of-South-China-Agricultural-University. 1995, 16: 1, 76-79; 8 ref.

LA: Chinese

LS: English

AB: Fruitbodies of Volvariella volvacea were rapidly damaged by a fungus identified as G. virens. The opt. temp. and pH for development of the pathogen were 25-30鳦 and 6-8, respectively. Sufficient oxygen was also a requirement.

PT: Journal-article

AN: 961003529

TI: Identification of a pathogenic bacterium causing brown rot of straw mushroom in South China.

AU: Liu,-JZ; Luo,-YZ; Chen,-YH; Yuan,-YS; Faan,-HC

SO: Journal-of-South-China-Agricultural-University. 1989, 10: 1, 17-22; 8 ref.

LA: Chinese

LS: English

AB: Brown rot of Volvariella volvacea has caused serious damage in Guangdong, Fujian and Guangxi provinces. Based on morphology, culture characteristics, biochemical and serological tests, the bacterium was identified as a Xanthomonas sp.

GE: China-; Guangdong-; Guangxi-; Fujian-

PT: Numbered-Part

AN: K362929

TI: Volvariella volvacea virus - a new fungal dsRNA virus from mushroom.

AU: Chen,-KY; Liang,-PY; Chang,-ST; Yu,-ML

SO: Acta-Microbiologica-Sinica-Weishengwa-Xuebao. 1988, 28: 1, 19-23; 15 ref.

LA: Chinese

LS: English

AB: Icosahedral virus particles of 35 nm diam. were found in the fruiting body of V. volvacea collected at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Virus preparations had a max. absorption of 257 nm and a min. at 230 nm; the 260:280 ratio was 1.96. One band was observed in 0.5% agarose gel eletrophoresis and 1 band of coat polypeptide (60 000 dalton MW) was obtained during 13% SDS discontinuous PAGE. Nucleic acid prepared by phenol/chloroform/isomyl alcohol (50:50:1) extraction of virus particles, revealed a single band at 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis. Results of DNase and RNase treatments were compared with those of Penicillium chrysogenum viral dsRNA and Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPP1 DNA. It is concluded that the nucleic acid of this virus from V. volvacea was dsRNA.

GE: Hong-Kong

PT: Numbered-Part

AN: K295032

TI: Fungicides to control fungal competitors in Chinese straw mushroom.

AU: Rivera-Vargas,-LI; Hepperly,-PR

SO: Journal-of-Agriculture-of-the-University-of-Puerto-Rico. 1987, 71: 2, 165-176; 9 ref.

LA: English

LS: Spanish

AB: Laboratory and production bed observations revealed that the major fungal competitors of the Chinese straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) growing on sugarcane bagasse are Sclerotium rolfsii, Corticium sp., Coprinus sp., Aspergillus flavus and Chaetomium globosum. The selectivity of fungicides for the control of these fungi was tested in vitro. Benomyl, captan, carboxin, chloroneb, mancozeb and pentachloronitrobenzene [quintozene] were tested in poison agar tests at 1, 10 and 100 p.p.m. a.i. Mushroom radial growth was reduced in all treatments of carboxin and at 10 and 100 p.p.m. chloroneb. Quintozene was intermediately toxic. V. volvacea was tolerant of all concn of benomyl, captan and mancozeb. A. flavus radial growth was highly reduced with benomyl and slightly reduced by carboxin, chloroneb and quintozene. S. rolfsii showed growth reduction at 10 and 100 p.p.m. quintozene, chloroneb and carboxin. Growth of Coprinus sp., Corticium sp., C. globosum and A. flavus was reduced > 90% with treatments of benomyl at 100 p.p.m. Fungicidal sprays were evaluated in vivo on sugarcane bagasse and coffee pulp beds. Poor pasteurization of the coffee pulp was associated with rapid development of A. fumigatus and Mucor sp. Partial superficial control of these fungi was obtained with mancozeb alone (50-75% reduction of visible growth). Benomyl alone and in combination with mancozeb gave excellent suppression of fungi on the mushroom beds (90% reduction of visible growth). None of the treatments controlled fungi within the beds.

PT: Numbered-Part

AN: K053470

TI: Bacterial basal rot of straw mushrooms.

AU: Hepperly,-PR; Ramos-Davila,-E

SO: Journal-of-Agriculture-of-the-University-of-Puerto-Rico. 1986, 70: 3, 219-221; 5 ref.

LA: English

AB: A disease of Volvariella volvacea caused by Pseudomonas chlororaphis in Puerto Rico is described. Affected basidiocarps show basal soft rot, internal watersoaking and discoloration.

GE: Puerto-Rico

PT: Numbered-Part

AN: M208498

TI: Preparation and immunochemical characterization of antibody to branched beta-(1 3)-D-glucan of Volvariella volvacea, and its use in studies of antitumor actions.

AU: Kishida,-E; Sone,-Y; Shibata,-S; Misaki,-A

SO: Agricultural-and-Biological-Chemistry. 1989, 53: 7, 1849-1859; 21 ref.

LA: English

PT: Numbered-Part

AN: C013197

TI: Mycetismus.

AU: Tejasen-P; Thasnakorn-P

SO: Journ


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